colors are among the most widely used food ingrediants, which work as an
emulsifying agent as well as a colorant. They are one of the most versatile
and stable colors. The unique properties of this color make it a preffered
choice in many of today's food products. Our years of experience in this
industry has made us capable to guide our clients in selecting the correct
caramel color for their formulation.
Color Range
In the global market, we are known for our superior quality caramel color
that gives comprehensive range of end colors to ones foods. The color which
we provide range from light yellow to redish brown and to the darkest brown.
Though we provide these colors, but the result always depends on the usage
level of the caramel color.

of the most important features of the caramel color is that it is easy to
handle and store because of its inherent chemical properties. The chemical
composition of the caramel color is such that it retains its microbiological
stability for longer periods provided it is stored in proper packings. Since
we follow the international production process approved by the US FDA and
European countries, our caramel colors comply with the international quality
Cost Effectiveness
Being the most versatile food ingredients and colorants, caramel colors are
considered to be the most economical alternatives as compared to almost any
other natural or artificial color and additives for the food & beverages
industry. Because of its low application levels, it is cost benefit also.
Color Strength

Colors strength is defined as its Tinctorial Power, KO.56. Tinctorial power
is the absorbance of a 0.1% weight / volume solution. It is measured through
a 1 cm light path at a wavelength of 560 nanometers (nm). The weight/ volume
is measured using a high quality spectrophotometer. Higher the value of the
absorbance, darker is the Caramel Color.
Color tone is also an important factor. The color tone is defined by the
Hue Index that is the measurement of the color hue or red characteristics of
the Caramel Color, a function of the absorbance at 510 and 610 nm. As a
fact, the higher the Tinctorial Power, lower will be the Hue Index and the
lower will be the red tones.
Specific Gravity
The specific gravity of our caramel color ranges from 1.25 - 1.38 pounds/
gallon that corresponds to a range of about 10.4 - 11.5 pounds/gallon. The
corresponding dry substance content of the liquid caramel color ranges from
50% - 70%.
Ionic Charge
Most of the caramel color that we use are anionic i.e. its molecules are
negatively charged. But in certain applications, beer and meat products, it
is required to have a cationic i.e. positively charged. This happens due to
the proteins found in these products.
Sulfite Considerations

color usually contain sulfites because it is produced by using sulfite
reactants. Since the percentage of the sulfite is very low, it is taken into
account of consideration while complying to the FDA regulations. Positively
charged caramel color is also produced. In its production process, sulfite
is not used. We have developed such caramel color that helps the food
manufacturers to keep sulfite content low in their products.
Caramel Color In High Alcohol or High Salt Systems
Certain products are very stable in concentrated high salt or high alcohol.
In these products caramel colors are required. Our caramel color is
available with these properties.
The viscosity of caramel color varies. Hence, it should be confirmed that
the viscosity of the caramel color is not a reflection of its color
strength. Lower viscosity is easier to handle, dissolves faster, has greater
stability and longer shelf life.
Microbiological Stability
Caramel Color is known for its excellent microbiological stability. It is
attributed to the high processing temperatures, high specific gravity, high
acidity and high osmotic pressure of the products.
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