In Organic pigments, the molecules are made of carbon atoms along with
hydrogen, nitrogen or oxygen atoms. Organic pigments are further divided
into two subgroups:
- Natural Organic Pigments- This type of pigments are derived
from animal products and plant products. The use of these pigments are
rare due to their poor light fastness property.
Before the beginning of the modern era, the natural organic pigments
were considered as an important part of the historical pigments. Earlier
these are used for bodily ornaments, textile dyeing and cosmetics.
But, today a large number of the natural organic dyes have been
replaced by the synthetic organic dyes. Therefore, today, these pigments
are remembered by theirs quaint historical names. These pigments are
being adopted by the modern commercial paint companies to lend romance
in their traditional mixtures. And, the most important, these pigments
are environment friendly.
- Synthetic Organic Pigments- Synthetic Organic Pigments are
carbon based and are often made from petroleum compounds. Most of the
Synthetic Organic Pigments except Carbon Black are not stable and they
will wear away at the time of using as a pigment.
Under intense pressure or heat, carbon base molecules are manufactured
from petroleum, acids, and other chemicals and Synthetic Organic
Pigments have been formulated from these molecules.
These two subgroups of Organic Pigments have been depicted in the
following table:
Natural Organic Pigments |
Pigments |
Miscellaneous: e.g Rose-Madder, BoneBlack, Carbon Black |
Quinacridones |
Phthalocyanines |
Perylenes |
Pyrroles |
Arylamides |
Metal Complexes: e.g Transparent Yellow, New Gamboge |
Miscellaneous: e.g Dioxazsine in Danthrone. |
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Carbon atoms have amazing flexibility and ability
to form many different structures. That is why, the entire concept of
organic chemistry mainly depends on carbon's atoms. Carbon atoms are able to
form different combinations with other carbon atoms or atoms of other
elements or with other compounds. This facilitates it to form almost
limitless molecular variations. Out of these large number of carbon made
molecules, intense color variations attribute will come in these synthetic
organic pigments. Pigments which are formed out of these molecules, are the
least toxic and economically beneficial.
AZO Pigments along with other organic pigments are derived from water
soluble dyes.

Organic Pigments are mainly derived from some selective elements atoms.
These are as follows:

are responsible for the color creation phenomena of the pigment's molecules.
Chromophore is a pair or group of atoms. This pair creates a complex and
dynamic clouding of the electrons within the respective electron shells in
single atom or more then one atoms.